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First in-person lab meeting (19-05-22)

The Sleep & Cognition Lab hosted its first full in-person lab meeting since the easing of measures.

10 June 2019

Dr. Stijn Massar discusses his poster with members of the public at OHBM 2019.          

30 January 2019

Raffles Science Symposium. Prof. Chee spoke at the seminar on ’Sleep and Wellbeing: Why it Matters’. The slides of the talk can be found here.      

June 2018

OHMB 2018 in Singapore   The main entrance at Suntec CNL’ers at the opening reception Mike after the Local Organizing Committee symposium with Thomas, Helen and AnQi CNL’ers at the closing reception at the posters  

3-7 June 2017

CNL team at SLEEP 2017

25-27 May 2016

CNL’ers at the 6th Society for Biological Decision Making Meeting at Paris Stijn busy explaining his poster           Mike, Stijn and Amitai Shenhav at the SBDM social        

The Straits Times, 29 March 2016

Another news article that features our findings from the ‘Need for Sleep’ study. One of the main findings from the study is that recovery sleep can’t fully fix some cognitive deficits. Click here to read more.

10 December 2015

We have completed our second Need For Sleep study, a 15-day experimental protocol that aims to study the effect of nap in adolescents. Watch this space for updates on what we find from the study.

31st July 2015

Kelly Bennion, PhD exchange student, has just concluded her 3-month attachment with our lab. Thank you for all your contributions during this time; it’s been a wonderful experience working with you! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Come back soon!

8th July 2015

Professor Chee gave a talk at Nanyang Girls’ High School on sleep management and learning

22nd June 2015

Duke-NUS Student Spotlight Our alumni, Natalie Wee shares her journey as a Year 3 medical student. Click here to read more.

21-25 March 2015: WASM 2015

CNL at the 6th World Congress on Sleep Medicine (WASM 2015) Professor Chee presented Functional Imaging of Sleep Loss at the symposium Dr Lo gave an oral presentation on Associations between Self-Resported Sleep Duration and Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ms Leong presented a poster titled Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Levels of Inflammatory Markers: Similarities and Differences across Genders