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First in-person lab meeting (19-05-22)

19 May 2022

The Sleep & Cognition Lab hosted its first full in-person lab meeting since the easing of measures.

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NEW Clinical trial on food supplement and sleep (‘Twinkle’)

25 Feb 2022

Our lab will be conducting a clinical trial, called Twinkle, which involves looking at a food supplement and sleep. We are looking for participants aged 25-50 years old with subjective sleep complaints to take part.  Interested in finding out more? Please visit this link for a video explanation (or scan the first QR code above): https://nus.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1EWAIgtoeeCrpLo If you are interested in finding out if you are eligible and in signing up, please click this link (or scan the second QR code above): https://nus.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3V231ZXzAvkAfS6

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The Centre for Sleep and Cognition’s Annual Report for 2021

01 Jan 2022

Featuring the centre’s research highlights, scientific and industry partnerships, and community impact.

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Commentary: Revenge bedtime procrastination in Singapore is coming at a cost

15 Jun 2021

Many people feel the strong need to reclaim time for themselves, freeing themselves from the constant demands of their jobs, before sleep. But this can hurt their physical and mental health, say NUS academics.

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Science Talk: Covid-19 has given S’pore a great opportunity to restructure time use and sleep

15 Mar 2021

Science says that we need to pay attention to sleep. Read more about it in this article written in The Straits Times.

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Commentary: Singapore has kept COVID-19 off campuses.

10 Jan 2021

This has been achieved with the help of projects such as Singapore Spacer as well as the collective efforts of campus communities. Prof. Michael Chee speaks to the New York Times on this subject

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The Centre for Sleep and Cognition’s Annual Report for 2020

28 Dec 2020

Featuring the centre’s mission, research highlights, and recent achievements.

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Podcast: The Only Thing Your Wearable Sleep Tracker Is Good For

09 Sep 2020

Fitbit sleep trackers made the cash register ring 16 million times in 2019, according to one report. But how much of the sleep data is actually usable? Dr. Michael Chee says there is one nugget of data from a wearable sleep tracker that you can depend on, and that deals with whether there’s an overall trend. Sleep staging? Nope. Sleep quality? Nope. Sleep duration? Yeah, kinda.

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Commentary: Immobility during COVID-19 and its effects on our sleep, physical activity and well-being

12 Jun 2020

COVID-19 has changed the way we work, play and sleep. There are different strategies to better cope, says Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine’s Michael Chee.

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Commentary: Always tired yet can’t fall asleep? It’s a wake-up call to sleep better

03 Jul 2019

Insomnia can persist and when entrenched can be a misery. So start sleeping better now, says Duke-NUS Medical School’s Michael Chee. SINGAPORE: Mark Tan, a driven 40-year-old, was a competitive athlete in school. Academic success egged on by like-minded classmates took him to an elite university where it was a badge of honour to sacrifice sleep for grades and activities. He graduated to a good job but one where he was under constant pressure to perform. He engaged in fortnightly inter-continental travel and never said no to conference calls.

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